Asset Management Plan
An Asset Management Plan (AMP) is a plan developed for the management of one or more infrastructure asset classes with a view to operating, maintaining and renewing the assets within the class in the most cost effective manner possible, whilst providing a specific level of service."
Alternate Definitions
- A tactical plan for managing an organisation's infrastructure and other assets in order to deliver an agreed standard of service. - Wikipedia
- A plan developed for the management of one or more infrastructure assets that combines multi-disciplinary management techniques (including technical & financial) over the lifecycle of the asset in the most cost effective manner to provide a specific level of service." - International Infrastructure Management Manual.
- An Asset Management Plan is a document containing or referring to specific asset related data, statements & projections that is drafted to comply with specific government legislation or (more rarely) in an endeavour to improve asset management practices within an organisation. - WGE
- Local Government Victoria's Sustaining Local Assets Policy defined an AMP as a document that;
- defines levels of service within financial/resource/risk constraints;
- presents cash flow forecasts for acquisition, operation, and maintenance and capital expenditure, and for revenue, where relevant;
- specifies the capital expenditure for renewing, upgrading or extending assets;
- justifies the contribution of each asset in terms of value for money for the council; and
- establishes the targets and measures that will be used for monitoring progress with its implementation.
Plan Contents
In some states – Queensland for example – there are Minimum Requirements for Asset Management Plans, in other states what needs to be in a plan is less well defined.
Some items typically found in an AMP include:
- Scope
- Links to Related Plans, Policies and Strategies
- Reasons for Asset Ownership
- A Physical Classification & Description of Assets
- Asset Management Practices
- Service Levels
- Asset Valuations & Lifecycle Costing
- A Forecast of Future Demand & Technological Changes
- Expenditure & Cash Flow Forecasts
- AM Targets, Measures & Monitoring
Local Government Asset Management Better Practice Guide
The Local Government Asset Management Better Practice Guide stated that an Asset Management Plan should:
- Encompass all the assets under council’s control.
- Connect the investment of community wealth in assets with service outcomes.
- Plan a scenario that manages assets to provide affordable levels of service within financial/resource/risk constraints.
- Identify and communicate risks associated with affordable service levels and how these risks will be managed.
- Plan additional scenarios that manage assets to provide optimal life cycle costs to inform the asset management strategy and Long Term Financial Plan.
- For each scenario, present cash flow forecasts for acquisition, operating, maintenance, renewal/upgrade and where relevant, disposal.
- Establish the targets and measures that will be used for delivering service outcomes and show value for money.
Related Pages
External Links & References
- Local Government Victoria - Guidelines for developing an Asset Management Policy, Strategy & Plan
- Google Search